27 May 2010

"bicycle-- a one night show"

gathering flowers 40x30
almost over 40x30
time to take a break 36x36
spring fever 36x36
rush hour 36x36
pushing 36x36 (sold)
let the river take it 36x36
keep the old 36x36
dreaming of apples 36x36 (sold)
staying home 30x40
she's quite the lady 24x24
there are only small barriers 24x24
the grass is green 24x24
mud season 24x24 (sold)
mercatale 24x24
heading home 24x24 (sold)
the grass is blue 24x24 (sold)
first snow 20x60 (sold)

2009 Paintings (all sold)

spring green 24x24
river ride 40x30
spring bike ride 12x24

white bike 20x16
small bike 9x7

mountain bike in the yard 17x11
home on the bayou 12x12
feeling home 12x12
red racer 24x24
bird on the wire 40x30